Pupil Parliament / Senedd y Plant
Our Senedd
Pupil Voice permeates all aspects of Blackwood Primary School. It is really important that children in our school are listened to and valued. Each year we have a democratic election where children from Years 2-6 are elected as members of our Pupil Voice groups. Pupils show they are ready to take on leadership roles and responsibilities and play an active part in improving school life for everyone.
Our Senedd members ensure that the views of all classes are taken into account in decisions that affect them.
Our Senedd is made up of 12 groups: It is the responsibility of Senedd members to share their opinions, and those of their classes, to improve and enhance school life for all. These leadership roles are important for sharing information with the school community and for ensuring all pupils’ voices are heard. Each group has an Action Plan and regularly shares their aims and achievements with the School Community through Assemblies and Newsletters.
Our Senedd 2022-2023
Pupil Leadership Team
Our Leadership Team focuses on improving learning throughout the school and increasing pupil voice. dedicated and enthusiastic individuals who work hard to improve learning experiences indoors and outside. School Council Our School Council meets regularly to discuss upcoming events within the school and to share ideas from their classes so all pupils have their voices heard. Members are dedicated and enthusiastic individuals who work hard to improve and enhance school life.
Digital Leaders
Our digital leaders are pupils who are interested, enthusiastic and knowledgeable about ICT. They spread good behaviour with technology, support teachers and are able to showcase what is possible. Digital leaders develop their own skills and are keen to support others to improve their digital skills.