ALN - Additional Learning Needs
Vision Principles
Blackwood Primary School is a nurturing learning organisation at the heart of the community which prides itself on an inclusive, engaging environment both indoors and out. The voice of every individual is valued and their individuality is encouraged to flourish. Everyone is supported to take ownership of their own learning so they are equipped to meet their full potential within a safe, secure and stimulating environment.
Additional Learning Needs
In line with the Welsh Government ALN Act we aim to identify children who need extra provision as early as possible and ensure that appropriate provision/intervention is provided to meet their needs. Our school has an ALNCo (Additional Learning Needs Coordinator), Mrs K Lohmus. The role of the ALNCo is to liaise with class teachers, teaching assistants, outside agencies and families to ensure suitable provision is provided for identified pupils. Provision is provided for children in line with the ALN Act at the following levels:
All pupils have a One Page Profile which will outline how best to support their needs within the classroom. This will be written by the class teacher with input from parents and reviewed annually. They will be given targets that will be reviewed twice a year in January and July. If it is felt a child needs targeted or specialist provision, a further discussion may be needed to write a School Based Individual Plan (IDP).
ALN Policy