Blackwood Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Coed Duon

"United we Empower, Nurture, Challenge"

"Wrth Uno mae'n Arfogi i Feithrin a Herioto"

Our Governors / Ein Llywodraethwyr

Clerk/Clerc Mr L John


Our Governors / Ein Llywodraethwyr
Mrs C Ashcroft (Chair) 13/10/2025
  Mr P Diamond 05/07/2025
  Rev A Baker 14/04/2028


Headteacher / Pennaeth
Mrs K Davies


LA Appointed / Penodwyd gan yr ALI
Rev H Rees
Mr R Wilks (Vice-Chair)
  Ms C Seaborne


Minor Authority / Man Awdurdod
Ms D Box


Observer / Arsylwr
Ms C Milton
Ms G Jones


Parent Representatives / Cynrychiolydd Rhiant
Mr M Conant 27/06/2026
Ms A Osborne 27/06/2026
  Mr C Owen 06/11/2026
Mrs K Shuker 21/03/2028


Staff Representative / Cynrychiolydd Rhiant
Mrs K Morgan 18/05/2026


Teacher Representative / Cynrychiolydd Athrawon
Mrs K Lohmus 16/05/2026



The full Governing Body meets once each half-term, and we also have a number of committees in place including a Wellbeing Committee, Teaching, Learning & Standards  and Resources and Finance. We also have committees that meet if required to consider pupil discipline and staffing matters.

To contact the Chair of Governors or the Clerk, please write to the school postal address or via email. Blackwood Primary School, Apollo Way, Blackwood. NP12 1WA or email for the attention of the Chair of Governors to


Governors Annual Reports for Parents

2021 - 2022 Annual Report

2022 - 2023 Annual Report