Attendance / Presenoldeb
Please let us know of your child’s absence from school by telephoning the office on 01495 224111 on the first morning of absence. We will have to give an unauthorised absence mark, if no reason is received for absence.
Family holidays taken during term time are discouraged, however if absence is unavoidable, please complete a form which is available from the main office. This must be completed one week before your holiday begins. Please note holidays will not be authorised absences if you child’s attendance is below the school target of 95%.
We endeavour to secure a high level of pupil attendance and look for Parents’ help to achieve this. Children regularly arriving late at school, or with an attendance record below 85% in a term will be referred to the EWO (Education Welfare Officer).
If your child is taken ill or has an accident while at school, we will contact you as soon as possible. Please make sure that you have completed all details on the emergency contact form.
Ioan the Attendance Dragon
Message from Caerphilly Council
Summer Term Newsletter